Tuesday, March 24, 2015

New Life in Christ

Happy New Year! It's 2015 and it has been a while since I've last visited this space. I wanted to reach out and encourage the people of God to continue to pursue the things, the mind, and the heart of God! In Ephesians 6:11, it says, "Put on the full armor of god, so that you can tai your stand against the devil's schemes." Today is your day to take back the power, the influence, and all dominion that the enemy has attempted to steal or maintain! YOU have the power to speak to your life and your circumstances and cause them to change. It is time for the people of God, the sons of God, to take all authority over their lives!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

I Want Your Heart

They that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. ~ John 4:24

True worship. A closer relationship. A meaningful connection with the throne of God. In order for us to reach out to God we must pour out of ourselves. If I'm not speaking to anyone but myself and the floor beneath my feet, I know what I'm about to say is true. Often, we confuse praise with worship. Now, the two can go together and nowadays we often hear of te praise and worship team- there's nothing wrong with this idea! As a matter of fact, I'm apart of the P&W (praise and worship) team!
But the bible declares in Psalms 150:6," Let everything that have breath praise ye The Lord!" It's a commandment that we PRAISE God! What's praise? Praise is giving someone a compliment, or expressing approval or admiration, or to glorify or exhale someone. When we praise someone we may say," You did a really great job and I notice the good efforts you're contributing towards the success of this project."  ... You get the pic:-)
So when we praise God, we are speaking of his goodness! We may be clapping our hands and using our voices to shout out" HE is great and mighty!" Offering our praise, which is commanded, entails us just giving thanks to God for who HE is and speaking of His majestic ways, how he blesses us and takes care of us.. Jus saying thanks!!! The birds chirp and the wind blows; the sea begins to roll - even an unsaved (person not born again, not redeemed, not professing to have been changed by the power of Christ having been resurrected) individual can praise because it simply means to tell a good report. But worship requires us to worship in spirit; how can we connect with God..? Through or in our spirit! But the scripture says in spirit and in truth. What I obtain from these few words from this passage is that God identifies our worship through the spirit we have:) . If we're pure, then it's accepted! But if we continue to indulge in the practices of sin our worship is NOT true. We must seek God and acknowledge Him (Matthew 6:33) in order to understand the very mind of God! We must renew our minds or rather or hearts! Philippians 2:5 says for us have the "mind" of Christ. This is saying so much! Only when we recommit our lives to Christ are we able to have his mind and therefore enter into pure worship. Whew! Getting good! Until the next part, ask God to teach you to be a child of obedience and teach you how to praise Him effectively as well as cleansing your mind so that you will be able to enter into true worship!

Prayer: I ask today Lord, that you would teach me to enter into true worship with you oh God! I repent of my sins and my past ways! I ask that You teach me how to seek you. Purify my heart and give me the courage and confidence to turn away from any sins, known or unknown, that would keep me from netting into a true divine relationship with thee. I ask all these things and believe it is so and all it fine in Jesus most high and holy name- amen!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Don't Despise Your Integrity: Part II

 I want you to understand that you are someone special. You have integrity. You have power. You have character.  Sometimes we may feel that in order for us to feel special, we need to get attention from others; more specifically, from the opposite sex (men). I may be the only one who feels like this, but it does feel really awesome when I try a new hairstyle or makeup trick and it's positively commented on by a good-looking man. I understand that God has given us each a measure of attraction to people who may "catch" our eye.  I will advise you, there is nothing wrong with attempting to look your best and step out of the house looking good- I am most definitely NOT against that :-)
It's only natural for people to look and comment on what looks good.
  Just remember, in all manner of conversation, interaction, in our speech, dress, attitude- we must remain holy.  Our gifts and talents are to be used for the glory of God and for the edifying of the Body of Christ.  We must know our place in Christ, and that only comes about by continuing to build a relationship with Christ: through prayer, fasting, reading the Word, and staying in an uplifting, ministry!
Until next time..Don't Despise Your Integrity! Let it speak for itself!!

Monday, December 3, 2012


                                                   Sometimes, there is a need, or a sense of longing for companionship that we feel inside ourselves as women---people---human beings; it’s only natural. Whether you are widowed, single, divorced and newly single, etc, we all have a natural desire to share our lives with someone. Before I get too far into this lil’ message, I must note, this is a word for those who are struggling with the challenges of remaining pure after a divorce, a nasty break-up, or if you’re in transition from being engaged to being married.*!!!* ok....
Now, it is my belief that God put the desire of a mate inside each of us.  Some of us suppress our feelings or emotions and ignore the desire which is ever present.  I can speak for myself and say, we may fantasize about what our husband will look like-how he will dress-how he will shout or praise God- and getting even more real, what it will feel like to feel a man next to us in bed. Look, I am not saying that these desires are wrong, but I am here to tell you “BEEN THERE, DONE THAT-YOU CAN MAKE IT THROUGH THESE TRYING TIMES!!” 
A lot of times, it is not addressed in the church that we have these natural desires and it's okay, therefore, we are left feeling like no other person knows how we feel , or has ever been where we have been---dead wrong! There is not one new thing under the sun; the Bible clearly states this, yet we may forget this in times of distress.  I challenge you to confront yourself: spiritual and natural and be real with you! Know what you want but more importantly than that- know how to wait on God! We can’t rush the hand of God, or else we will open up Pandora’s Box, and all types of mess, sin, and trash will be crawling out around our lives.... like an overflowing dumpster.
Don’t let these lil’ dudes soup up yo head and make you think because you’re cute, got a nice shape, got your own place and car, or a good job, that they are deserving of your time/mind/body/text messages/late night phone calls/facebook statuses/pictures of you (???)/money/gifts and presents/dinner and a movie...etc..... if GOD didn’t tell you that that man is for you! Am I saying don’t! Am I saying wear your dresses down to your ankles and look reckless....Heaven’s no! But I am admonishing you to keep your virtue. Integrity, to me, has so much to do with how much you respect yourself, that other person (that fine man who looks like a younger version of lawdy!!), and most importantly- how much you respect your relationship with Christ.  God knows us and knows our desires but we must trust that HE knows us so well, that although the enemy may throw traps and distractions and darts in our way, we can’t allow temptation to bear the fruit of sin. 

Ladies. Girls. Young saved women--- WE MUST OVERCOME!! And we can only overcome by the grace of God! 

Until next time, remember....
You were created in the image of God. It is your duty to walk in your calling. To fulfill your purpose. To be a light, like a city that sits on a hill. You are beautiful, woman of God. You are virtuous, woman of God. You were designed with a purpose in mind.
God Bless You

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Peace in the Storm

I was in the process of establishing myself a "bloggist," but with work, family, and then my granny being ill and then finally going on to Glory, so much has transpired!
 Through life's circumstances and the trials of life, I am learning to have patience. I am also gaining peace. In the midst of turmoil, opposition, adversity, struggles, loss and heartbreak- I've got JOY!
Real joy comes from knowing Christ an what He is to YOU personally.
HE is a strongtower and a refuge. With my granny passing, I have learned to depend on God and call Him much more. God promised to give us peace that passeth all understanding.
We can go through our tests and trials but when we know God and He knows us, we can be assured that in the midst of he fire, we come out and come out as pure gold!
If you know God, stay saved; if you don't know God, He came to save the lost. It is not too late!
Pray for me and our global economy and I will keep you in my thoughts and more importantly, my prayers.
##make your calling an election sure

Saturday, September 1, 2012


I am still figuring a lot of things out about this site so I can establish a worthy blog site for all of you wonderful viewers :) Finally, my dream of communicating with young women across the nation and hopefully the world, is coming to light. Now, I must continue to work on this site to better equip you the viewers with the most stylish hairstyles, savings, and spiritual advice through the web. Here goes as I continue to work on this blog site :D...........

First Entry

I actually created this blog over a year and a half ago! I am not the most technologically savvy individual but I guess I have got to overcome that sense of "overwhelmingness" when it comes to computing and imputing information :D !!!
I am a mother, teacher, and blogger of all things! I am a Christian and I believe that in today's society, the moral is low and many young women do not know their place in society, let alone their purpose in God. With that idea in mind, I wanted to create this blog site. To allow myself and other women to voice their opinions and their struggles about everyday issues and concerns that pursue; from fashion to faith. So- feel free to comment or leave questions, posts, about any topics or discussions on this blog site. I am still working on it so please be patient! Please: ONLY POSITIVE POSTS ARE ALLOWED. NO NEGATIVE POSTS :D Let's keep it friendly!