Thursday, June 20, 2013

I Want Your Heart

They that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. ~ John 4:24

True worship. A closer relationship. A meaningful connection with the throne of God. In order for us to reach out to God we must pour out of ourselves. If I'm not speaking to anyone but myself and the floor beneath my feet, I know what I'm about to say is true. Often, we confuse praise with worship. Now, the two can go together and nowadays we often hear of te praise and worship team- there's nothing wrong with this idea! As a matter of fact, I'm apart of the P&W (praise and worship) team!
But the bible declares in Psalms 150:6," Let everything that have breath praise ye The Lord!" It's a commandment that we PRAISE God! What's praise? Praise is giving someone a compliment, or expressing approval or admiration, or to glorify or exhale someone. When we praise someone we may say," You did a really great job and I notice the good efforts you're contributing towards the success of this project."  ... You get the pic:-)
So when we praise God, we are speaking of his goodness! We may be clapping our hands and using our voices to shout out" HE is great and mighty!" Offering our praise, which is commanded, entails us just giving thanks to God for who HE is and speaking of His majestic ways, how he blesses us and takes care of us.. Jus saying thanks!!! The birds chirp and the wind blows; the sea begins to roll - even an unsaved (person not born again, not redeemed, not professing to have been changed by the power of Christ having been resurrected) individual can praise because it simply means to tell a good report. But worship requires us to worship in spirit; how can we connect with God..? Through or in our spirit! But the scripture says in spirit and in truth. What I obtain from these few words from this passage is that God identifies our worship through the spirit we have:) . If we're pure, then it's accepted! But if we continue to indulge in the practices of sin our worship is NOT true. We must seek God and acknowledge Him (Matthew 6:33) in order to understand the very mind of God! We must renew our minds or rather or hearts! Philippians 2:5 says for us have the "mind" of Christ. This is saying so much! Only when we recommit our lives to Christ are we able to have his mind and therefore enter into pure worship. Whew! Getting good! Until the next part, ask God to teach you to be a child of obedience and teach you how to praise Him effectively as well as cleansing your mind so that you will be able to enter into true worship!

Prayer: I ask today Lord, that you would teach me to enter into true worship with you oh God! I repent of my sins and my past ways! I ask that You teach me how to seek you. Purify my heart and give me the courage and confidence to turn away from any sins, known or unknown, that would keep me from netting into a true divine relationship with thee. I ask all these things and believe it is so and all it fine in Jesus most high and holy name- amen!

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